Okay, so this is going to be a periodic, grab-bag sort of thing -- semi-random songs that don't quite fit anywhere else but are still worthy of note (and download). Maybe they're a little too long or a little too short or are entirely exemplary but for a boring bridge or a clumsy chorus. Maybe the music's great but the lyrics blow. Maybe the lyrics rock but the music's a snooze. Maybe the sound quality's not quite up to snuff. Maybe the tracks fall outside of this blog's usual parameters yet steadfastly insist on having their say. Well, this is the space in which they'll say it....[Note: Even the pictures that accompany this section shall be selected in semi-random fashion. A Google search on the first word of the first song-title shall yield a page of pictures. From said page, one picture shall be picked. Thus: today's territorial squirrel.]
[MP3] CAT POWER/"Don't Explain"
[MP3] PAPAS FRITAS/"Way We Walk"
[MP3] MONEYBROTHER/"Stormy Weather"
[MP3] ENON/"Disposable Parts"
[MP3] STING/"Send Your Love" [Dave Aude remix]
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