Fortunately, I came upon Enigk's second and third solo offerings entirely ignorant of the Bigger Picture -- context, history, and "baggage" be damned. Thus, I can truly assert that I have been influenced by no theological or philosophical agenda here; I was merely converted to the cause by some attractively dramatic, go-tell-it-on-the-mountain voice and arrangement work. Honest to gosh. Cross my heart and hope to die an entirely literal, dust-to-dust death.
JEREMY ENIGK taking the Good News to the godless Left Coast >>>
Jan 16 2008 8:00P/Chop Suey/Seattle, Washington
Jan 17 2008 8:00P/Dante’s/Portland, Oregon
Jan 20 2008 8:00P/Troubadour/Los Angeles, California
From the LP THE MISSING LINK, 2007 >>>
[MP3] "On the Wayside"
[MP3] "World Waits"
From the LP WORLD WAITS, 2006 >>>
[MP3] "Been Here Before"
[MP3] "Damien Dreams"
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