[MP3] "Dancing Queen" [1977]
[MP3] "My Love, My Life" [1977]
[MP3] "Knowing Me, Knowing You" [1977]
[MP3] "Take a Chance on Me" [1978]
[MP3] "Summer Night City" [1979]
[MP3] "Angeleyes" [1979]
[MP3] "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" [1979]

Ugh. What a black mood I've been in of late. Eight months of court-ordered sobriety (with six to go). My brother's death in February. A 40-year-old cousin dying of liver failure (despite never having been a drinker at all). A speeding ticket Thursday night. And goddam religion & pseudo-religion & "spirituality" every goddam place I look. Obama's goddam preacher doing his damndest to Swift Boat him. Goddam pope on the 24-hour news channels 24/7. Goddam Dalai Lama traipsing around my beloved, secular Ann Arbor (with Richard Gere! PHILIP GLASS! BOBBY fuckin' McFERRIN!). Orthodox Jews walking the streets looking like something out of a "Saturday Night Live" sketch. Creepy Mormons in creepy dresses & creepy hairdos in Texas compounds. Why the hell couldn't we just burn them all down -- like we did with that other cult in that other Texas compound.Okay, so I'm feeling a little angry. A little bitter. (Uh-oh -- there's that word again. Obama called the White Trash of Pennsylvania "bitter." Said that's why they cling to their guns & their gods & their prejudices. He was, of course, correct. Overly simplistic, but correct. So... welcome to the White House, John McCain. Welcome to four more years of old-white-man Republican rule, people of Earth. Welcome to 1989-1993, Part Deux. Son of a bitch.)So.... what is one to do? Turn to pop music, of course. Happy, absurd, immaculate pop music from the beautiful people of Sweden. People who don't believe in gods or guns or Texas. People who believe in the important things. Like hockey. And vodka. And a great hook. And a glorious chorus.So here's Part 1 of three today. Keep coming back. I promise to be less bitter. And, six months from now, I'll be right as rain....ABBA on WIKIPEDIA.
[MP3] "The Winner Takes It All" [1980]
[MP3] "On and On and On" [1980]
[MP3] "Our Last Summer" [1980]
[MP3] "Head Over Heels" [1981]
[MP3] "One of Us" [1981]
[MP3] "Slipping Through My Fingers" [1981]
[MP3] "Under Attack" [1982]
[MP3] "You Owe Me One" [1982]

Looking back from here, I'm surprised to find that I'm feeling more affection for MONSTER than for NEW ADVENTURES IN HI-FI. The latter is the "deeper" disc, with a decidedly wider sonic range. But the former is, frankly, more fun. N.A.I.H.-F. suffers from some clunky and/or generic rockers ("Undertow," "Binky the Doormat," "Low Desert"), a rather bland folk number ("New Test Leper"), and a highly unexceptional ballad ("Be Mine"). Granted, I'm hard-pressed to find anything positive to say about "King of Comedy"; "Strange Currencies" is essentially "Everybody Hurts, Part 2"; and "I Took Your Name" and "Crush With Eyeliner" sound rather lazily alike. But I'm willing to forgive MONSTER its trespasses. (Hell, I'm even quite fond of the orange packaging and the rather adorably dumb 'n' fuzzy bear-head cover. But that's just me....)R.E.M. on WIKIPEDIA.
From the LP MONSTER, 1994 >>>
[MP3] [VID] "Star 69"
[MP3] "Let Me In"
[MP3] "I Took Your Name"
From the LP NEW ADVENTURES IN HI-FI, 1996 >>>
[MP3] [VID] "E-Bow the Letter" [w/PATTI SMITH]
[MP3] "Leave"
[MP3] [VID] "Electrolite"

I have literally been waiting for years to get to this post -- to finally be able to say, with unabashed, carnival-barker bluster, that THE INDELICATES' debut album comes out today. Glory, glory, hallelujah. God save the Queen.It was February 24, 2006 when I first happened upon these fine, upstanding Brits. The blog was INDIE FOR DUMMIES (now INDIE FOR BUNNIES), and I fell fast and hard for the delicioso demos they were then peddling. "We Hate the Kids" and "Waiting for Pete Doherty to Die" were instant standouts, inspiring me to type the following succession of letters:
"[THE INDELICATES] are led by SIMON and JULIA INDELICATE - whose married-in-name-and-novelty-only vocal interplay brings to mind the SHANE MACGOWAN/KIRSTY MACCOLL dynamic of "Fairytale of New York." Or maybe they're what would happen if you jammed JARVIS COCKER, BLACK BOX RECORDER, and BILLY BRAGG into a blender. You'd get something thick. A bit bitter. Dark. Delightful. Delicious."So there it is again. "Delicious." Delicioso. I might have added "decadent." "Droll." Bitter/sweet piss-takers. Sweet/tender hooligans. Bonnie & Clyde as essayed by GAINSBOURG & BARDOT. SID & NANCY crossed with THE CARPENTERS. (Okay, we go too far....)The name of the album, by the way, is AMERICAN DEMO. It is available from any number of UK record shoppes, as well as iTUNES. By all means, seek it out. It's been a long time coming. It's been well worth the wait.THE INDELICATES on MySPACE.
[MP3] "The Last Significant Statement to Be Made in Rock'n'Roll"
[MP3] [VID] "Sixteen"
[VID] "Julia, We Don't Live in the 60s"
[VID] "America"
[MP3] "Fun is for the Feeble Minded"
[MP3] "A New England"
[MP3] "Waiting for Pete Doherty to Die"
[MP3] "We Hate the Kids" [demo]

[MP3] "We're Going to Miss You"
From the LP PLEASED TO MEET YOU, 2001 >>>
[MP3] "Alaskan Pipeline"
[MP3] "Gaudi"
[MP3] "Fine"
From the LP HEY MA, 2008 >>>
[MP3] "Upside"
[MP3] "Waterfall"
[MP3] "Destiny Calling"
[MP3] "Ring the Bells" [live]
[MP3] LADYTRON/"Black Cat"
[MP3] EDDIE VEDDER/"Society"
[MP3] THE SWEET SERENADES/"First Taste of Trouble"
[MP3] THE HERMIT CRABS/"Friend's Folk Festival"

Nashville indie-poppers DE NOVO DAHL list a boatload of influences on their MySpace page. Here are the B's: BOWIE, BEACH BOYS, BLUR, BUZZCOCKS, (B)EN FOLDS, PET SHOP (B)OYS. And the S's: (S)TEVIE WONDER, SUPER FURRY ANIMALS, SUPERGRASS, SUPREMES. (In a pinch, I'd list the two "Super" groups as most representative of the DND sound.)
The first two songs below are taken from De Novo Dahl's second LP, MOVE EVERY MUSCLE, MAKE EVERY SOUND, which dropped in March.DE NOVO DAHL on MySPACE.
[MP3] "Make Some Sense"
[MP3] "Heartbreaker"
[MP3] "Waiting for My Friends"

I guess we'll go ahead and take this series up to BILL BERRY's departure. This, then, shall serve as the penultimate installment.
(FYI: Senor STIPE wrote the lyrics to "Me in Honey" as a male-centric response to NATALIE MERCHANT's "Eat for Two." He also joined Ms. Merchant on the bridge of "A Campfire Song." Why the latter was mixed/mastered at such a low volume has always puzzled/annoyed me.)From the LP OUT OF TIME, 1991 >>>
[MP3] "Me in Honey" [w/KATE PIERSON]
[MP3] "Texarkana"
[MP3] "Belong"
[MP3] "Monty Got a Raw Deal"
[MP3] "Find the River"
[MP3] 10,000 MANIACS/"Eat for Two" [1989]
[MP3] 10,000 MANIACS [w/MICHAEL STIPE]/"A Campfire Song" [1987]

In terms of sales and status, KENT is the Scandinavian U2. In terms of sound, they're U2-by-way-of-RADIOHEAD. Anthemic melancholia. Which gets them grouped with the likes of COLDPLAY, DOVES, and MUSE. Generally-speaking, I like them better than those three; not as much as U2; not nearly as much as Radiohead. But they certainly rate a Sunday showcase, and this is it.... From the LP ISOLA [English version], 1998 >>>
[MP3] "Things She Said"
From the LP HAGNESTA HILL [Swedish version], 1999 >>>
[MP3] "Revolt III"
From the 2-LP B-SIDOR 95-00, 2000 >>>
[MP3] "Spokstad"
From the LP VAPEN & AMMUNITION, 2002 >>>
[MP3] "Karleken Vantar"
[MP3] "FF"
From the LP DU & JAG DODEN, 2005 >>>
[MP3] "Max 500"
[MP3] "Du Ar Anga"
[MP3] "Palace & Main"
From the EP HJARTA & SMARTA, 2005 >>>
[MP3] "Ansgar & Evelyne"
[MP3] "Ingenting"
[MP3] "Generation Ex"
Left-click [HERE] to download the March mix.
Portal to previous monthly mixes [HERE].
1 gnarls barkley/run
2 duffy/stepping stone
3 tapes 'n tapes/conquest
4 adele/tired
5 tokyo police club/juno
6 the long blondes/the couples
7 the kooks/see the sun
8 the submarines/you, me and the bourgeoisie
9 the raconteurs/steady, as she goes
10 angus & julia stone/just a boy
11 mystery jets/veiled in grey
12 pete & the pirates/knots
13 great northern/this is a problem
14 madonna [w/justin timberlake & timbaland]/4 minutes to save the world
15 paul kelly/god told me to
16 de novo dahl/be your man
17 what made milwaukee famous/self-destruct
18 the red romance/break away
19 my sad captains/bad decisions
20 headlights/on april 2
21 pulp/something changed
22 the cuties/ugly boy
23 tara blaise/wishing her life away
[MP3] PANIC AT THE DISCO/"Pas De Cheval"
[MP3] ALFA ROCOCO/"Lever L'ancre"
[MP3] SHE & HIM/"Sweet Darlin'"
[MP3] BRANDI SHEARER/"Lullabies"
[MP3] GARY JULES/"Mad World"
[MP3] k.d. lang/"hain't it funny?"