Apparently, there is still an audience for the sort of light, vaguely rootsy rock that bubbled up in the wake of R.E.M. losing its religion. Toad the Wet Sprocket -- along with COUNTING CROWS, GIN BLOSSOMS, LIVE, and so on -- were there to provide a "softer" alternative to the alternative (read: NIRVANA & PEARL JAM-styled grunge and GREEN DAY & OFFSPRING-styled pop-punk). Not the most impressive of legacies, perhaps -- but one that's proven to be more resilient than we might have predicted back in the day.
TOAD THE WET SPROCKET on the road in early '08 >>>
Jan 17 2008 8:00P/Jannus Landing/St. Petersburg, Florida
Jan 18 2008 7:30P/HOB Orlando/Orlando, Florida
Jan 19-24 2008 8:00A/The Rock Boat VIII/Miami, Florida
Jan 25 2008 6:30P/Ann Arbor Folk Festival/Ann Arbor, Michigan
Jan 26 2008 6:30P/Ann Arbor Folk Festival/Ann Arbor, Michigan
From the LP DULCINEA, 1994 >>>
[MP3] "Fall Down"
[MP3] "Something's Always Wrong"
From the LP FEAR, 1991 >>>
[MP3] "All I Want"
From the LP COIL, 1997 >>>
[MP3] "Crazy Life"
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