Chicago's THE 1900s (not to be confused with Glasgow's 1990s) released their debut album, COLD & KIND, at the outset of October. Their music has drawn comparisons to FLEETWOOD MAC, BELLE AND SEBASTIAN, and THE ZOMBIES. Their genre is psychedelia-tinged (goddam hippies!) indie-pop. One imagines there is much drug-taking and orgification and very little in the way of genuflection to -- and glorification of -- the GOP, NRA, WWF, or NASCAR. Lord have mercy on their souls.
These people (all seven of them! Goddam communist cabal!) are on a highway to hell. Tailgating BRITNEY SPEARS. Whose children are strapped to the roof. Smoking cigarettes. Drinking gin. Bald and lacking underpants. Lord have mercy. (And on YOU as well, if you should choose to succumb to the siren songs below. Tricky Dick has left and gone away....)
THE 1900s on MySPACE.
From the LP COLD & KIND, 2007 >>>
[MP3] "The Medium Way" [Removed at record label's very polite request]
[MP3] "When I Say Go"
From the EP PLUME DELIVERY, 2006 >>>
[MP3] "Bring the Good Boys Home"
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