ZAMBRI is a NYC five-piece led by sisters JESSICA and CRISTI JO. What do they sound like? Maybe t.A.T.u., a bit. EISLEY, ever-so-slightly. TEGAN AND SARA, from certain angles (and if you squint). TORI AMOS, at the fringes. Or maybe a little like all of them. Or like none of them at all. Yes, this is me, being my ever-helpful self. (Indeed, I should be winning awards for this crap. Trophies. Stipends. $10-off coupons to Applebees. Gift-baskets of Chinese-manufactured Matell toys and toothpaste. Anything, really. I am not picky. Merely greedy. And greed, said Gekko, is good.)Zambri's six-song, self-titled EP is currently available for purchase on their websites. So, off you go. Investigate.
ZAMBRI hoppin' to it >>>
Sep 12 2007 8:00P/Mercury Lounge w/Calvin Harris/New York, New York
Sep 14 2007 8:00P/The Lolita Party @ Glasslands Gallery/Brooklyn, New York
Sep 28 2007 10:30P/Pianos/New York, New York
[MP3] ":20"
[MP3] "Aliens"
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