WOODPIGEON is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. If you know about Calgary at all, it's probably in relation to its having hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988. Personally, I know it as the home of the Calgary Flames -- the team that knocked my Detroit Red Wings out of the Stanley Cup playoffs in 2004. Therefore, I hold something of a grudge against Calgary, Alberta, Canada. And let's face it: Tourist destination-wise, it's no Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver. (Though, to be fair, it probably kicks Winnipeg's ass.) (Wherefore art thou, Winnipeg Jets?)
Woodpigeon is one of those ridiculously multi-membered collectives that seems less a traditional music ensemble than a hippie commune. I'd speculate that they drive to all their gigs in a neon-green, '70s-era VW bus -- except they wouldn't all fit in it. At the moment, there seem to be eight regular members in the group. Some of them have names like "Kenna," "Annalea," and "Foon" (hippies!). (Others of them have names like "Peter," "Mark," and "Michael," and are clearly in the wrong band).
But, as if eight members weren't already sufficient, Woodpigeon also enlist the help of 13 or so of their closest friends -- three of whom play tuba (okay, I made that last part up). But some of these friends have names like "Sandro," "Ching," "Karmella," and "Brooker (hippies!). ("Joe," "Jay," "Jason," and "Jane" should just give up the charade right now and go back to their jobs as tax attorney, toll-booth operator, rodeo clown, and mountie.)
Woodpigeon's music walks a crooked line between twee and folk, with band leader (and head hippie) MARK HAMILTON spinning deceptively tranquil tales of love and longing in an age of wise-ass insulation and cynicism. Think: THE HIDDEN CAMERAS or BELLE AND SEBASTIAN. Indeed, you'll hear a lot of B & S (circa "Fox in the Snow" or "We Rule the School") in "The Alison Yip School for Girls."
Woodpigeon's album, SONGBOOK, can be purchased on iTunes or [HERE].
WOODPIGEON taking wing (as only wooden pigeons can) >>>
May 31 2007 8:00P/OLYMPIC PLAZA/Calgary, Alberta
Jun 7 2007 11:00P/NXNE CHART SHOWCASE @ THE DRAKE/Toronto, Ontario
Jun 8 2007 8:00P/IHEARTMUSIC Presents WP w/Nich Worby, Eastborough and Entire Cities @ Gallery at Ecclesiax/Ottawa, Ontario
Jun 9 2007 8:00P/TBC/Montreal, Quebec
Jun 10 2007 8:00P/WAVELENGTH/Toronto, Ontario
Jun 27 2007 8:00P/SLED ISLAND 2007/Calgary, Alberta
Jun 28 2007 8:00P/SLED ISLAND 2007/Calgary, Alberta
Jun 29 2007 8:00P/SLED ISLAND 2007 w/ THE DEARS @ THE GRAND/Calgary, Alberta
From the LP SONGBOOK, 2006 >>>
[MP3] "If Only I Were a Painter, I'd Paint for You the Moon"
[MP3] "The Alison Yip School for Girls"
From the EP HOUNDSTOOTH, 2007 >>>
[MP3] "Thoughts on the One Who Got Away By the One He Left Behind"
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