Rabu, 21 Februari 2007


Sometimes we're a bit literal-minded here at a PLAGUE of ANGELS. So today we're spotlighting some songs by Irish pop-punkers ASH.
The lads just finished recording a new album. Once it's been mastered, it'll be released to the masses sometime this year.
ASH on the road >>>

Feb 21 2007 8:00P/Manchester Academy 3/Manchester
Feb 22 2007 8:00P/Manchester Academy 3/Manchester
Feb 23 2007 8:00P/Warwick University/Coventry
Feb 25 2007 8:00P/Newcastle Northumbria University/Newcastle
Feb 26 2007 8:00P/Glasgow QMU/Glasgow
Feb 27 2007 8:00P/Keele University/Staffs
Feb 28 2007 8:30P/The Propaganda, Bristol (DJ Set)/Bristol
Mar 1 2007 8:00P/Bristol Anson Rooms/Bristol

From the LP FREE ALL ANGELS, 2001 >>>
[MP3] [VID] "Sometimes"
[MP3] [VID] "Shining Light"
[MP3] [VID] "Candy"

From the LP NU-CLEAR SOUNDS, 1998 >>>
[MP3] "Folk Song"

From the LP TRAILER, 1995 >>>
[MP3] [VID] "Petrol"
[MP3] "Jack Names the Planets"

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